Saturday, May 7, 2011

I can't imagine how my mom must feel looking down at Jovi. Jovi who is going to get married someday and wear a beautiful dress and most suredly make me cry. Jovi who will someday have a baby of her own. My baby will grow up. My mom's babies grew up (sort of). The cycle of life/time should not be so overwhelming but it just is.
In my little life I've come to believe that we just weren't made for time. We couldn't be because the passing of it is just unbearable. "God has set eternity in their hearts." I sing that verse to some made-up tune as I rock Jovi in the rocking chair, next to my little lamp that was in my room next to the chair my mom rocked me in. Every other song I can think of usually just makes me cry because my grandma sung them to my mom who sung them to me and I can't even fathom how far back those silly songs go. Or worse I try to sing the songs my dad sung and then poor Jovi stares at me as I weep. I can't believe I am the singer. I can't believe I am now a mom. I am a the parent. I am now the singer of the songs. My dear mom is now a grandma. My dear daddy is no longer bound by time. My beloved grandma is the greatest and great-greatest grandma of masses. The timelessness of eternity is the most comforting thought to me and always makes me smile. Random unposed pictures have a way of just stopping time and life for a moment. Time that makes my throat burn and my eyes water. I love you, mom, so very much. I love you, grandmom. May I be such a wonderful mom as you both have been in my life time and may all we read this silly blog have a nice moment with their mom tomorrow when horrible time seems to stop for a moment.
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