Tuesday, July 19, 2011

super weird...day two.

Many people, who I deemed a little whimsical and spooky, have told me how they are followed by certain numbers throughout their lives. The same number is an address, license plate, phone number, birth day etc. It becomes like their lucky number or something like that. I never had a number stalker and truthfully I live the majority of my life without acknowledging their kind.  I like words. Accountant husband can like the numbers. The past few weeks though a certain number started being a creepy little lurker. And now it’s just always everywhere and is just weird.
My baby usually wakes up around 7, or 8 if I’m lucky but for a few days in row she woke up and the clock (which is digital and has enormous neon numbers) said 6:26. I only noticed because that was my birthday and I was dreaded it. I turned 30. So there it began the 6:26. That day I only looked at my watch once and it was 6:26pm. I shrugged it off that is was a little weird. The next day I got a wrong number (which doesn’t happen very often in cell phone world) and the area code was 626. That was really weird.  I don’t know anyone in California. So it continued. The times I would end up being somewhere I would look down at my watch at that time. The weirdest thing was I meet this lovely kindred spirit lady who breeds cavaliers and we became friends. She said randomly in conversation without me saying anything that her favorite number is 26. I thought that was weird because I haven’t heard anyone say they have a  favorite number since like grade school and she is like in her 60’s. Later that week my friend’s car broke down and he wanted me to pick him up somewhere and of course when I got in the car it was 6:26pm. I was starting to get mad because I didn’t want to be reminded of my birthday.  He was the first one I told of my weird number problem. He told me to look up 6:26 in the bible. I thought that was profound and intriguing and I immediately thought of Matthew and that maybe it was the ‘seek first the kingdom’ verse. I really didn’t want it to be that verse though because I’ve been bickering with God about this whole seek- first and all other things will be added unto you- business. So Matthew 6:26 is the verse, ‘Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? This was gold to me because I have been seriously on the verge of a panic attack lately because I’m sooo anxious about money, jobs, babies, debt..ugh. The pressure is unbearable and I don’t know what to do.  I love that verse that God always takes care of the birds and they don’t sow, reap, or store away stuff but they are always feed. I am more valuable that them.  The 626 or 26 is still following me, it came to me twice today and I say that verse to myself. I have not been as worried about my job or our lack of funds.

Weird coincidence: there was a dead bird  next to my back door last week. I hated that. It felt like an eerie omen and I was conflicted in thought. "God, you are suppose to take care of them."

Super weird bonus... right before I pushed ' publish post' by dog walked behind the couch and unplugged my laptop and it immediately died. I figured it was all deleted but it wasn't. The timing of my dog was just amazing though.

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